Andrew Fleming;
liked it=69862 vote;
Actor=Rachel True, Fairuza Balk;
Peter Filardi
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Who's here from the trailer for the new sequel.
LITERALLY THE BEST SCENE EVER. Wish I could do this to every man in my life that made it a living hell.
Anyone who see's my comment should watch Mohanlal sir. the Finest Actor in India. also do check out Mammootty sir. those 2 define Natural acting and Method acting respectively 💕.
Omg when I first saw this movie I was Obsessed with her I wanted to be just like her so wore black clothes and black lipstick through out all my middle school days and people actually thought I was a witch 🖤. (Interstellar + 12 Monkeys. 1 cup of soy = 2067. Whos here from tiktok. Carovnice rakican. Right on fairuza right on fellow animist/ wiccan sister.
We need to survive this 2020 Guys.
Carovnice dahl.
Really enjoyed the lesson and this instructor's approach. He did an amazing job of capturing and keeping our attention.
What is the reason for disabling automatic captioning on this video? I am deaf, disabling the automatic captioning makes this video inaccessible.
I hear a female Christian slater.
Whos here from tik tok.
The object of this course is how to write like a professional crook; how to make pseudo-intellectual compositions appear smart; how to deceive readers into giving their attention to glazed catch phrase facade writing.
Fairuza was always sexy to me. The Waterboy role made her seem weird but accepting. I've loved her ever since. I want to see more. I think Balk is a very underrated actress. I don't think we've heard the last of her. I remember her scene on the beach in the Craft when she exclaimed I can feel him in me. LMAO. “Last year I had 20 kids in my class, this year I had 12.” Sounds like my Zoom class💀.
Bold of you to assume we all live past 2020. On screen she was powerful, terrifying, and weird. Marry me Fairuza.